UGH!!! I wanted that HoH SOOOO badly. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine that Monty won, he’s an ally and all and his nominations and My own are probably going to be similar, but Dangit. It’s been a pretty long time since I won anything
I told you about this in an AIM the other day, but you told me to DR about it.
I brought the 3 person alliance together in week 4 or 5, I don’t remember. The platform I used is that I had won 2 competitions, and they had all won 3 (I think) anyway, we were the challenge people it was turning out. Like at that time (and until Perry won it) only Jessica, Monty, or Myself had ever held the PoV! Now lots of people have had a turn (2 more I think) well anyway, after I brought that alliance together, I HAVE YET TO WIN ANOTHER THING
And what makes it suck even more, I’ve been 2nd in like 5 competitions since then. I mean, Everything Jessica has won I got 2nd in. I even got 2nd in this Past HoH competition that Monty won (and oooh, I wanted that win:P)
But I was very happy to see that Monty put together similar nominations to what I would have done. I would have put up Hil and Beel, with Tyrie as the veto. He put up Hil and Tyrie, and id imagine that either Josh or Beel is the veto (I do have a tiny little side deal with Josh, but it doesn’t have near the clout as my deal with Jessica and Monty)
I was happy to hear a while ago that Monty shares my suspicions that Jessica is playing both sides. I don’t want her nominated, I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt until she gives me a reason not to, but I think it’s good that Monty won HoH. If she’s doing something wrong, I think it will surface this week if she is picked for the PoV or something like that.
I told you my last finish in a BB game was 2nd when I deserved first, I’m worried that will happen to me here (thought I would be happy if I made the final 2 either way, if I felt I deserved the win I would be upset if I didn’t get it) and what’s worse, to the person not inside our little triad alliance would think that I’ve got the least power and is the least deserving simply because I have won the least amount of stuff. Now, it may be true that I won the least amount of stuff so far, but I think that I control most of the power in the alliance (though I may be wrong, I don’t think so). Remember will won BB2 without ever being HoH. I think if we made the final 3 (unlikely, I'm sure we will be stopped or implode before then, but I hope not
then either of them would take me. And I have made a lot of the strategy calls, and they always come to me and ask my opinion before they do anything (well, usually
I will finish out this post with how much I like everybody left in the game (in no particular order, except I like the first person best)
PATRICIA – overly fun and fantastic, really I think I have a real shot at winning this game. I’m not going to say I’ve done everything right, but I’m in a good position
Hil – Don’t really like her, she showed me that she has no interest in an alliance last week when she nominated me (remind me to tell you something that I would have said in the nominations if I forget to)
Monty – Great Guy, I want to go to the end with him, and I hope I do. I only hope that I look better than him when I get there. I’m liking how he is telling off Hil and tyrie in the nomination ceremony, if people don’t like him, they may like me better in comparison, and a jury vote is a jury vote.
Jessica – a Great Girl who I also want to go to the end with. I’m a little nervous about where her true allies are, but not too bad. I do trust her, and I think she trusts me. She was my ally before Monty was, and I don’t know if that will come into play or not when I have to choose between them.
Beel – Floater extreme, I hope that he comes to light this round. If he keeps playing the way that he is, he really could go far. I think he is loosely attached to the hil Tyrie alliance. Its working for him, I would have nominated him, hopefully he comes to light this round.
Josh – you would never know that he had already been evicted. I think that he’s doing a great job. He has been fairly competent in challenges, and he is on nobody’s immediate radar. He’s like Beel but reversed, he’s loosely attached to my alliance, but not on anybodies immediate radar.
Well, I think that’s everybody. Oh BTW
About Hil, I already had my speech planned for nominating her, I was gunna be all.
“Hil, I hold nothing against you, at least not as much as some of our friends *glares at Monty* but the fact that you nominated me shows me that you have no interest in me strategically, with no regard to how I saw you. As much as it breaks my heart, I am nominating you for eviction in response to that” *proceeds to play the worlds smallest violin*